Writing this particular blog happened, because I was listening to a video made by John Wooden, who I believe was a basketball coach at UCLA. He made me start thinking about success in writing. I do have to tell you I am not a sports fan at all. Up until I watched this video, I had no idea who John Wooden was. I have placed the video on the blog so you may listen to it also. (As you can see when you get to the end of this blog, it didn't work)
I liked his definition of success: “Having peace of mind after doing the best you can do.” He also said a person must have faith and patience in whatever they do in order for it to be a success. I can agree with that sentiment, but you also have to have the works to go with it. As a writer, I can have the faith a patience that I am going to write a book. Unless God steps in and creates a miracle (which I don’t see happening) and the book suddenly appears. I am going to have to start working at it, to get the book written.
As far as success, that is something each one of us will have to determine for ourselves. My girlfriend asked me last week, when would I consider my book to be successful? I had a tough time answering that question. I told her, I did not know because I hadn’t gotten there yet. I think I will recognize it when it happens. On the other hand, I was a success at writing my book, and at getting it published. Do I think the book is a success? No, because it hasn’t sold a million copies, and yes, because I have received so many positive reviews on “The Tower”. Maybe the question should be, when will you consider the book to be successful? Am I really the judge of that answer, or is the reading public?
On eHow.com, I ran across ways to measure success and I want to share it with you.
Things You’ll Need:
- You are the Master of your own success
- You can measure success by failure being overpowered with something good
- You must measure by accomplishments and not failures
3. Make preparation for the challenges of your success, and reassure yourself that you can be a success.
Tips & Warnings
- Be positive
- Be aggressive
- Be productive
- Be an achiever
- Be aware of those hindering blocks
- Be aware of the interests that pertain to you and your measure of success
- Be aware to avoid negative actions
- Be aware that time will bring on change